jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012



  Energy is the ability to do work.
Hello Parents! Sorry for the lack of updates on our Science and Math page.


We are working with subtraction with regrouping. This video shows in a fun way how to solve subtractions exercises.

We are working with numbers too. Students are going to have quizzes in December about the numbers from 1 to 1,000. 

1 - 100
100 - 200
200 - 300
300 - 400
400 - 500
500 - 600
600 - 700
800 - 900
900 - 1,000

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012


 El primer informe de notas se entregará este viernes 19 de octubre de 2012 de 8:00am a 12:00pm.

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012


Addition (regrouping)
Suma (reagrupando)

Some exercises to practice at home:
Ejercicios para practicar en casa:

Addition one digit

Addition two digit number regrouping

We been talking about the Solar System. This video is amazing because explain with detail everything we discuss in class for the past week.

  Hemos estado hablando del Sistema Solar. Este video es grandioso porque explica en detalle todo lo que hemos discutido en clase.

COMING THIS WEEK:  Solar System Test
 En esta semana: Examen del Sistema Solar.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Next week September 24, 2012 the students will have a Math Test.

 The topics (los temas) will be:

 1. Count by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's
      Skip counting by 2   Contando de 2 en 2

      Skip counting by 3    Contando de 3 en 3

      Skip counting by 5    Contando de 5 en 5

 2. Greater than (>), less than(<) and equals to (=)
    Video about the greater than and less than
     La boca del cocodrilo siempre se abre para el número más grande.  20 > 5

 3. Before, between and after numbers
     Before and after Números antes y después

 4. Even and odd numbers (números pares e impares)
      Practica odd and even numbers - Instrucciones: Oprime el botón que dice odd and even numbers.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012


Proyecto de ciencias - Ejemplo: (Como debería verse en la Cartulina)

Name: (nombre del estudiante)
School: Urban Elementary School of Guaynabo
Grade: Second grade 3/4
Date: Spetember 28, 2012
Teacher Abad
Science Class

      The nature of science

Air Conditioning

The year the air conditioning was invented was in 1911.
The air conditioning was invented by Wilis Haviland

What is the purpose of the air conditioning?
The purpose of the air conditioning is to change the air temperature to bring a cooler environment.

How this invention helps humans beings?
This invention helps humans beings by allow them to be in a cooler place by option or medical order.

What do I learn?
I learned that the air conditioning is almost like a refrigerator.


Instrucciones: El proyecto debe ser hecho en una cartulina color BLANCA. Debe  relizarse COMPLETAMENTE EN INGLES. No se aceptarán proyectos en español. Tiene un valor de dos notas. Uno por presentación escrita y otro por presentación oral. Debe entregarse el 28 de septiembre de 2012 y presentarse ese mismo día.

Dudas o preguntas? teacheridamar@gmail.com

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

HOMEWORK:  For next Monday!!! (September 10, 2012)

 Write < or >  in   ____

 1. 25 ___ 16                       4. 46  ___ 64

 2. 27 ____ 30                     5. 51 ____ 25

3. 25____ 40                       6. 52 ____ 52  BONUS!!!!

> grater then (mayor que)
< less then (menor que )

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012


Next week ( sept. 9 - sept. 13)  Dictation of the written form of the numbers from one to ten.
                                                               STUDY HARD
 one ( 1)
 two (2)
 three (3)
 four (4)
 five (5)
 six (6)
 seven (7)
 eight (8)
 nine ( 9)
 ten (10)

A video were you can practice even more than 10 :
Numbers help me count 1-20

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Science's Homework:

1. Define Science and scientist. (August 20, 2012)
2. Classify square objects in your room (5 objects) ( August 2012)

Hi! I'm teacher Abad the Math and Science teacher. In this page you will find what kind of lesson we are learning in the classroom and extra exercises that will complement the learning experience. I hope you will visit this blog a lot so you can see and support your child learning experience.