miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012

Next week September 24, 2012 the students will have a Math Test.

 The topics (los temas) will be:

 1. Count by 2's, 3's, 5's and 10's
      Skip counting by 2   Contando de 2 en 2

      Skip counting by 3    Contando de 3 en 3

      Skip counting by 5    Contando de 5 en 5

 2. Greater than (>), less than(<) and equals to (=)
    Video about the greater than and less than
     La boca del cocodrilo siempre se abre para el número más grande.  20 > 5

 3. Before, between and after numbers
     Before and after Números antes y después

 4. Even and odd numbers (números pares e impares)
      Practica odd and even numbers - Instrucciones: Oprime el botón que dice odd and even numbers.

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